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English learning log 4/n

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长期主义不太容易,热情会持续消耗,疲劳会持续积累。 就像NBA,漫长的常规赛行程,很多队伍会后继乏力。 保持内心平静十分重要,燃烧热情的方式难以持久。 身体的周期应该以天为单位,而不是以周为单位。

English learning log 3/n

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My vocabulary test result is still 5800. To cover 90% of scenarios, it needs to be increased to 7800. After completing the onging word memorization from the ...

Learn to juggle

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I’ve been practicing juggling with three balls lately, and I’ve found that it’s actually not as difficult as I thought it would be. At first, it seemed like ...

The missing is calling

1 minute read

Before I met my wife, I lived a lonely life filled with negative emotions and had no aspirations for the future.

English learning log 2/n

less than 1 minute read

Why are you learning English? Move to europe, boarden horizons, provide kids with a more open and diverse upbringing.

English learning log 1/n

less than 1 minute read

The result of today’s vocabulary test is 5800. And listening comprehension has improved significantly since two months ago, improve that what I’m doing every...

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Keep moving

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Long-termism is easy to talk about, but difficult to put into practice. It requires perseverance over a long period of time, without any immediate feedback o...

The missing is calling

1 minute read

Before I met my wife, I lived a lonely life filled with negative emotions and had no aspirations for the future.


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Keep moving

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Long-termism is easy to talk about, but difficult to put into practice. It requires perseverance over a long period of time, without any immediate feedback o...

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show your work

Practicing what you known

1 minute read

This article is a practical application of the strategies discussed in the previous article. A few days ago, I created a pull request for Shopware to fix a b...

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First Priority

less than 1 minute read

前几个月的路子走偏了,不应该把重点放在学习英语和找海外工作上。第一优先级应该是副业,这才是安身立命之本,这才是未来生活质量的基础。 开发shopify app,不依赖与坐班来获取收入,这是未来的第一优先级。 就算现在给你一个德国的永居,和一份长期的工作,恐怕生活质量也不会得到大的提升。但是如果副业的收入超过了主业...

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